Why Tiger Woods Wears Red on Sunday

Anyone who watches golf know Tiger Woods ALWAYS wears red on Sunday. The final round of every golf tournament he enters has Tiger wearing the loud, bold red we're all accustomed to seeing.

Now could there be a reason for this? One that is more than simply "he likes the color"? I'm not suggesting he is aware of what I'm about to tell you, but you'll find this post incredibly interesting...I have a sneaky suspicion that Tiger Woods applies any and every physical and psychological tool he can in order to magnify his competitive advantage.

The information I'll be sharing with you comes directly from the Journal of Experimental Psychology. Keep in mind that I'm a mental game golf coach so this material immediately got linked to my background and Tiger flashed into my mind instantly.

Tiger's Opponents are Seeing Red

Scientists from the University of Rochester in the United States determined that the color red can negatively influence performance. Ok, follow me here...this negative effect only applies to seeing red, not wearing it.

Several years ago scientists from the University of Durham in England found that competitors and teams that wore predominantly red colored jerseys won more often than those who wore blue or white! Are you as fascinated as I am yet?

Scientists believe that the color red signals intimidation in the world of animals, and implies aggression and dominance. They submit that the effect of red could arise be from a deep seated evolutionary response that works subconsciously to put opponents on the defensive. Sound familiar???

Still Think It's A Coincidence Tiger Wears Red?

Ok, I'm not suggesting everyone run out and wear red tee shirts on the golf course for the rest of their lives! But I am suggesting that athletes and teams at the highest levels in sport are aware of this material and take advantage of it to gain any sort of edge they can.

Tiger Woods is exceptional, clearly. Yet people who assume he's simply "gifted" are missing the point big time. He applies himself in every way possible can to get a psychological advantage. Don't kid yourself into thinking it all comes natural to him and he's just born with it. Nonsense.

Tiger Woods is who is because of his relentless pursuit of personal excellence. Excellence in ALL ways. He will use any and every tool he and his team can conjure up in order to get a competitive advantage. It is true that when Tiger Woods wears red everyone else is seeing red!

Note: It is widely believed that the real reason Tiger wears red is due to his mother's influence, since in Thailand the color for Sunday is red. Makes sense. Yet what a unique coincidence that he happens to wear a color with such a marked influence on the psychology of players around him that are staring at it all day!

Written by Wade Pearse. No reproduction, in whole or in part, is permitted without the express written consent of the author. Learn here about the Minding Your Game program